We free small churches, charities and businesses from unnecessary admin, connect organisations together and supply low cost services.
We believe it is not fair that small churches, charities and businesses often struggle to find skilled people to undertake administration tasks. Often leaders are forced to undertake tasks themselves, or they are delegated to people who lack the skills. This can restrict growth, increase stress and reduce the efficiency of an organisation.
Connect Supply is an opportunity for churches, charities and businesses to access expertise in Communication. HR, finance, IT and other services that they do not need to manage or fully fund on their own. Think of us as your very own admin and support team!
Connect Supply also works with companies supplying services, goods and supplies. The Connect Supply network can secure a better price for quality than an individual organisation could access on their own.
Finally we liberate teams and leaders to focus on the direction and health of your organisation. Our creative team of visionaries can help leaders rediscover their mission. We can help leadership teams develop a plan for growth and provide connections to other organisations, funders, ministries and services that may be unfamiliar to them.
We want to help your organisation grow and invite you to join the Connect Supply Network.
How Connect Supply Can Help You
We can help you grow
We are passionate about supporting small local churches. We provide churches with expertise that they would otherwise struggle to access and work with leaders to help them discover God's plan for their church.
We understand the needs of small charities, volunteers and the people they serve. We give charities access to expertise and practical support that they may struggle to find on their own.
We are entrepreneurs & understand small businesses. We can provide you with administration services and support so that you can unlock the potential of your idea and grow an efficient and effective business.